‘City’ Archives
Stanford engineers point the way to more affordable, sustainable urban neighborhoods

【企业社会责任与可持续发展】| CSR & Sustainability By Rob Jodan,Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment,2020-08-05 Chinese A Stanford University analysis(link is external) could help policymakers across the U.S. spend billions of dollars in new federal infrastructure funding more wisely. The [...]
Cleaning up the World, One Building at a Time

【能源与环境】 | Energy & Environment By Sarah Murray, 2022-08-09 Chinese When you’re disrupting your industry with an entirely new solution, you have to be passionate about the cause. —Leia de Guzman It was in 2013 when Leia de Guzman — then an undergraduate working on a campus project to build a solar-powered [...]
Talk to the Founders of NGOCN (III)
【专栏】| Conlumists >超越平凡的生活 By Jasmine, Jointing.Media, in Hong Kong, 2011-11-20 Chinese The joy of planting seeds of philanthropy "After a few years of practice, I am reflecting on why international NGO poverty alleviation programmes are not effective,' says SecondBee, sharing his insights on public service in his [...]
Talk to the Founders of NGOCN (II)
【专栏】| Conlumists >超越平凡的生活 By Jasmine, Jointing.Media, in Hong Kong, 2011-11-05 Chinese Starting in Yunnan How they came to meet cannot be separated from Yunnan. In 2001, SecondBee went to the UK for a postgraduate course in rural development. The following year he travelled to rural Africa to research his [...]
Lanxuan Home, a new force in the elderly care market
【社会企业】| Social Enterprise By Eco Zhang Xiaomei Ji,Jointing.Media,in Beijing,2011-04-28 Chinese The path of a market pioneer is not a smooth one. Lanxuan House has chosen to try a new field and be a "pioneer" in the elderly care market. This choice is a growth experience for individuals and organisations, and a driving force [...]
The Story of Nangchukja (III)
【专栏】| Conlumists >微公益 | MicroCharity By Yibai, Jointing.Media, in Shanghai 2011-07-10 Chinese The localization of public welfare service and its sustainable development Only locals know the place in actual and are well aware of people’s need and relevant obstacles. Nangchukja mentioned: “we only help those who are most [...]
The Story of Nangchukja (II)
【专栏】| Conlumists >微公益 | MicroCharity By Yibai, Jointing.Media, in Shanghai 2011-07-05 Chinese Where there is a big dream, there is a big arena Nangchukja has completed three similar projects in nearby villages. Every time he improved the living conditions in one place, he found more places in need of similar projects, [...]
The Story of Nangchukja (I)
【专栏】| Conlumists >微公益 | MicroCharity By Yibai, Jointing.Media, in Shanghai 2011-07-01 Chinese Lead: Five years ago, a seventeen-year-old Tibetan managed to stay in school thanks to a charitable donation. Since graduation from college, he has been busy raising funds to improve the living conditions of those in his home [...]
Gov 2.0 Revisited: Social Media Strategies in the Public Sector

【专栏】| Conlumists By Ines Mergel, in Syracuse, 2011-05-10 Chinese Photo: The Dolomites, by SQM@JM This article is part of a Special Section on Web 2.0 and Social Media that ran in the Summer issue of PA TIMES. See the end of this article for links to others from the Special Section. Government 2.0–or the use of social media in [...]
Dhruba Ghimire: I want to improve Nepali women’s lives via education (I)

【城市新闻】| City By Echo Zhang in Kathmandu, Jointing.Media 2010-08-02 Chinese It was at Thamel Kathmandu where I first met Dhruba Ghimire. He and Uma, his wife, took one hour bus ride from Chabahil to pick me up. This tall thin man it’s the initiator of RUWON-- Rural Women’s Network Nepal. Nowadays, hundreds of women in [...]