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The Story of Nangchukja (III)

【专栏】| Conlumists >微公益 | MicroCharity

By Yibai, Jointing.Media, in Shanghai  2011-07-10


The localization of public welfare service and its sustainable development

Only locals know the place in actual and are well aware of people’s need and relevant obstacles. Nangchukja mentioned: “we only help those who are most in need of help regardless of nationality and religions.”

JM: What’s your favorite project?

N: My favorite was a water project in my village. Before water pipes were connected to our houses, we had to travel four to ten kilometers carrying water on our backs. Many other places have similar problems and many still live with these difficulties.

It’s the same with the solar lighting project. Many herders used oil lamps in their tents. Solar power is very environmentally friendly and solved their problems.  Many locals pray for us continually because we introduced this convenience into their lives.

JM: What have you learned from all these projects?

N: We shouldn’t promise people that we will succeed otherwise, there is much disappointment if things don’t go well. Rather, we say, “We are not sure if it will succeed but we promise to try our best.” Those who promise success may find it challenging if the project is does not achieve the benefits they promised.

Clear communication and timely exchanges of information is also very important. Beneficiaries’ needs change over time and the needs that they described in a survey may no longer exist by the time the survey is completed. You have to ensure timely feedback and communication. Some of our problems resulted from poor communication. It’s also important to have good relationships with relevant government departments. I know most of the officials in those departments and I always talk things over with them when we meet difficulties when carrying out projects.

Moreover, I tend to look at what I do from different perspectives. It helps me to find inner peace. We want to help as many people as we can regardless of religion and nationality.

JM: What are your strongpoints in doing local projects?
: We are local people and a local NGO. We understand the dos and don’ts of local culture. We must ensure that we are providing the right help for people in need. I always wear my Tibetan robes when at home that brings me closer to local culture. Local people are very willing to work with me and give me timely feedback when they have problems.

JM: I heard you are setting up a social enterprise. Why?
We currently rely on external funding and ultimately must find a way for our organization to be self-sustaining. We believe establishing a social enterprise is a good idea. For example, if we sell local handicrafts, 65 percent of our profits could go to the locals who make them, and the remaining could be reinvested in our organization to continue the project. Social enterprise is about helping people help themselves.

JM: How is this project going?

N: We have completed the proposal and are seeking financial support to promote it. In order to gain more experience, we decided to use our own funds and open a shop selling folk clothing. We hope to expand, integrating production and sales. We will also try to register our own trademark and develop our brand value and competitiveness.

JM: What’s your view upon life?

N: Helping others makes you happy and when you become old, you will have something to look back at and feel your life meant something.

JM: What have you considered besides your career?

N: People in my village take it for granted that I have a girlfriend. I have many ideas and there are so many things for me to do. I have no time to consider having a girlfriend and forming a family.

JM: What do you need most now?

N: More financial support to the impoverished communities. In addition, the protection of our unique traditional Tibetan culture is also very important that gives our nationality identity. Serious culture loss comes hand in hand with economic development. One of FCA’s targets is protecting local culture. We record folk songs, folklore, and such traditional folk activities as weddings and horseraces. We have also organized various activities to enrich the cultural life of villagers.

Dreams have no boundaries on a stage that matches the size of your will to achieve. One step at a time, with his feet on the ground, Nangchukja is gradually making his dreams come true.

Translated by Ryan

Edited by Robert

The Story of Nangchukja (II)
The Story of Nangchukja (I)

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