Joint Effect, Joint Power
Sunday March 9th 2025

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Low Carbon and Sustainability

【能源与环境】 | Energy & Environment

By Jointing.Media, 2010-03-10

JM: Low carbon life is current popular topic in  China. Chinese goverment is begining to carry out Low Carbon pilot cities. What kind of issues shoud be meet in the process throught western experience in sustainable development in your opinion?

Cyrille Jegu: Western governments are facing the same issues as the Chinese government because they have little experience if any, of a low carbon economy. The issue that all industrialised government face is that the infrastructure (transport & energy production) are fossil fuel dependent. One of the advantages that China has over fully industrialised countries, beside it’s government decision making process, is the fact that it’s infrastructure is still growing so it can choose which way it goes.
An other challenge that everyone is facing is to use system thinking to solve complex and interconnected issues simultaneously
Finally, a low carbon economy/life is not just about hardware (infrastructure) it also about software (people)
(to be continue)

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