Posts Tagged ‘SE’
Talk to the Founders of NGOCN (I)
【专栏】| Conlumists >超越平凡的生活 By Jasmine, Jointing.Media, in Hong Kong, 2011-10-15 Chinese A bee and a fish, one flying in the air and the other swimming in the water. What happens when these two creatures meet? The answer is NGOCN. NGOCN is short for NGO Development and Communication Network. In 2003, SecondBee [...]
Lanxuan Home, a new force in the elderly care market
【社会企业】| Social Enterprise By Eco Zhang Xiaomei Ji,Jointing.Media,in Beijing,2011-04-28 Chinese The path of a market pioneer is not a smooth one. Lanxuan House has chosen to try a new field and be a "pioneer" in the elderly care market. This choice is a growth experience for individuals and organisations, and a driving force [...]

【公益词典】| Lexicon ECSEL is a fully-subsidized incubation program for entrepreneurs looking to build or expand a social business in greater China. Through the course of our year-long, part-time program, participants receive two international training trips (one in the United States, one in mainland [...]
Richard Brubaker:Who should pay for your mistake?
【观点】| Insight By Jointing.Media, in Shanghai 2010-04-15 Chinese 1-Definition of SE Audio 1 of 11 from this talk Description:Richard believes that a lot of different entrepreneurial models are available, which broadens the definition of Social Enterprise. For example, a company that consistently donate to NGOs and/or provide [...]
Fan Li: SE requires more devotion and responsibility than ordinary jobs

【观点】| Insight By Jointing.Media, in Shanghai 2010-01-30 Chinese 1-李凡的NPO缘起 Audio 1 of 14 from this talk Description:Li Fan tells us it’s in Japan that she first knew of NPO. As a postgraduate student in a college of Japan, She accidentally knew there was a recruitment meeting of a NPO, [...]
What is Social Enterprise?

【特别报道】| In depth By Jointing.Media, in shanghai 2010-02-20 Original Normally we penetrate to the essence of reality starting from the definition involved in phenomenon. What is “Social Enterprise”? We will catch it from interviewees below who working in this field: Calvin Chin:CEO at Qifang Richard Brubaker:Founder [...]