Joint Effect, Joint Power
星期天 三月 9th 2025

上海国峯慈善基金会 |Shanghai GuoFeng Charity Foundation

【公益词典】| Lexicon


上海国峯慈善基金会成立于 2016 年 12 月 2 日,主要针对公益发展、扶 贫救困、赈灾救灾以及对贫困地区的助教项目提供资助与支持。国峯基金会创始人叶守璋先生同时也是香港华桥基金会会长。他生于上海,学 于欧美,在获得麻省理工学院硕士后进入硅谷,随后将半导体技术带回 亚洲。为了回馈社会,叶先生退休后一直致力于公益慈善事业,在中国 及周边国家欠发达地区为当地的教育、健康卫生及公益发展提供持续高 效的专业支持,以促进社会进步与和谐。此外,叶先生也一直积极推动 中西公益合作与交流,为国外公益组织在中国的项目提供无私的帮助。


- 扶助弱势群体,促进社会平等

- 助力乡村振兴,提升欠发达地 区民众的生活水平

- 倡导公益参与,加强公益交流

Shanghai GuoFeng Charity Foundation (GFCF) was officially registered with the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau on December 2nd, 2016. We provide financial and professional support to projects related to social services, poverty alleviation, disaster relief and education in underprivileged areas. Mr. Frank Yih, a MIT graduate and chairman of HuaQiao Foundation, is the founder of GFCF. With the purpose of paying back to society, Mr. Yih has devoted himself to philanthropy since retirement. His charity work mainly provides humanitarian aids to underdeveloped areas of China and neighboring areas focusing on education, health, and public welfare. In addition, he tries his best to provide unselfish assistance and help to other NGOs’ projects in China and promote international cooperation and communication between China and abroad.

Our Mission Statement:

- Aid the disadvantaged, promote social equality;

- Help rural revitallization, improve the general life quality in the underprivileged areas;

- Advocate public service participation, strengthen philanthropy exchange

资料提供: GFCF