Joint Effect, Joint Power
星期天 三月 9th 2025

中外对话 | China Dialogue Trust

【公益词典】| Lexicon


中外对话(China Dialogue Trust)成立于2008年,总部位于伦敦。 气候变化、海洋保护、生物多样性保护以及生态文明建设不仅仅局限在某一国之内,也是全世界所有居民都要探讨的议题。在气候变化和生态危机的共同挑战面前,中国一直是重要的参与者和贡献者。而中外对话的目标正是促进中国与世界在生态环境领域的交流与合作,共同寻找环境问题的解决方案。





Climate change, species loss, pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are challenges that concern all the world’s citizens. Both the scale of its challenges and the size of its economy means China plays a uniquely important role. Tackling these challenges demands a common effort and shared understanding.

China Dialogue identifies, promotes and supports the unique voices that increase understanding, share precious experiences and inspire a higher awareness of the planet’s challenges, whether they come from inside China or elsewhere. We are devoted to making such voices heard by a global audience, in a lively, convincing and multi-lingual fashion. It is our hope that in doing so, we can move closer to viable, equitable and real solutions to environmental problems.


China Dialogue is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting a common understanding of China’s environmental challenges.

资料来源: CDT