Joint Effect, Joint Power
星期天 三月 9th 2025

大问题投资 | Big Issue Invest(BII)

【公益词典】| Lexicon

Big Issue


2005年,致力于解决无家可归问题的社会企业《大问题》杂志成立十年后,几名主要创办人戈登•罗迪克(Gordon Roddick)(现仍任《大问题》董事会成员)、总编约翰•伯德(John Bird)和奈杰尔•克肖(Nigel Kershaw)(时任《大问题》杂志社CEO)都在思考:为什么没有更多像大问题和咖啡直达(Café Direct)(一家公平贸易咖啡公司)这样的社会企业呢?为什么没有更多的社会企业在全英甚至全球范围内运营,变成家喻户晓“品牌”呢?


现在,“大问题投资”(Big Issue Invest)被视作是《大问题》杂志的社会投资分支。大问题投资的宗旨是支持以解决贫困和不平等问题为目标的可持续发展性社会企业和合资企业。


我们投资于社会企业、社会目的企业和慈善机构,为英国消除贫困创造核心解决方案。由影响力企业家John Bird和Nigel Kershaw(来自Big Issue Group)创立,我们是社会影响力投资领域的领导者之一。



在Big Issue Invest,我们创造创新的投资解决方案,为英国的社会企业、社会目的企业和慈善机构提供社会和经济机会。这也符合大问题集团更广泛的使命,即通过企业创造创新的解决方案,以消除英国的贫困。

Social Impact Investing with Big Issue Invest

We invest in Social Enterprises, Social-Purpose Businesses and Charities creating core solutions to end poverty in the UK. Founded by impact entrepreneurs John Bird and Nigel Kershaw, from the Big Issue Group, we are one of the leaders in social impact investing.

Since 2005, we have invested over £80m in more than 550 organisations, who all share the Big Issue Group’s mission – to create innovative solutions through enterprise and unlock social and economic opportunity for people affected by poverty.

Our Mission

At Big Issue Invest we create innovative investment solutions that unlock social and economic opportunity for social enterprises, social-purpose businesses and charities in the UK. This also aligns to the wider Big Issue Group mission to create innovative solutions through enterprise to end poverty in the UK.