Joint Effect, Joint Power
星期天 三月 9th 2025

中大社会责任大会 | CUMBA CSR Conference

【公益词典】| Lexicon


香港中文大学企业社会责任大会是由香港中文大学商学院主办,自 2007 年举办以来,历届会议参会者达到 400 人。已成为亚洲在企业社会责任领域首屈一指的盛会。 此次活动不仅为增加企业管理者和专业人士对企业社会 责任的了解提供了平台,为中层管理者和企业员工提供分享和讨论 CSR 实例的机会,而且为未来的亚洲商业领袖 提供了深入了解价值创造和可持续发展的渠道。

The CUMBA CSR Conference as one of the leading CSR initiatives in Asia is the annual highlight event of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School since 2007. Our goals are to create awareness of corporate social responsibility among decision makers and professionals, to provide a platform for manag- ers and employees to share and discuss best practices in CSR, and to foster future business leaders in Asia about value creation and sustainability through CSR initiatives.