Joint Effect, Joint Power
星期天 三月 9th 2025

洛克菲勒基金会 | Rockefeller Foundation

【公益词典】| Lexicon


洛克菲勒基金会的目标是通过为全球更多地区的更多人提升机遇从而获得公平成长,并帮助他们对剧烈冲击与慢性压力有所准备、坚忍不拔并奋发图强。在其100 周年之际,通过提供资源、人脉、号召与技术,洛克菲勒基金会带动创新思想者与行动家从创意到构成影响,提升他们齐心协作改变世界的影响力。在如今多样化、 互为交织的世界中,为了重塑议程、告知决策,通过创新、调解与影响,洛克菲勒基金会拥有了独一无二的解决人类面对不断出现挑战的能力。


The Rockefeller Foundation aims to achieve equitable growth by expanding opportunity for more people in more places worldwide, and to build resilience by helping them prepare for, withstand, and emerge stronger from acute shocks and chronic stresses. Throughout its 100 year history, the Rockefeller Foundation has enhanced the impact of innovative thinkers and actors working to change the world by providing the resources, networks, convening power, and technologies to move them from idea to impact. In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, The Rockefeller Foundation has a unique ability to address the emerging challenges facing humankind through innovation, intervention and influence in order to shape agendas and inform decision-making.

The 2013 Centennial Innovation Challenge



The Rockefeller Foundation Launches the 2013 Centennial Innovation Challenge